Tuesday, March 31, 2015

5 Interesting Fact about SIlverfish Bugs

Keeping the house in order to remain neat and clean is not an easy job, it requires patience and care. Your homework will increase if Silverfish insect enters your home. Maybe you are one of many people who want to get rid of insects from your homeAlthough these insect is annoying but silverfish bug are very interesting and have some unique characteristic. So, I will tell you some interesting facts about the Silverfish bug

1. Small Appearance and Highly Acrobatic.
Silverfish bug have small body that measure up to 12-19 mm in length. Although they’re wingless,  silverfish still very fast as they dart about searching for food or hiding places. Silverfish bug can easily climb walls, ceilings, and capable jump as much as two feet vertically.
2. They are not bite human being.
They are don’t bite and of course harmless for human, but also disgusting.  You can get a bite from centipede, and it appearance look like a silverfish (but it has many more legs). If you get bitten by centipede, wash it with soap and take isobutylphenyl propionic acid (ibuprofen) for pain, but other than that you should be fine, unless you develop an infection.  Silverfish like to eat something that contains protein and carbohydrates. Silverfish prefer to eat fabrics, like cotton and silk; paper, like books and wallpaper; and your food, such as vegetables and cereal and
3. They’re Hard to kill
Silverfish have an amazing tolerance to bug poisons, probably due to long time evolution helping them develop an immune tolerance. You simply cannot kill them.
4. Very long lifespan.
Silverfish bug have very long lifespan, from 3 to 6 years on average. Even in fact, some silverfish can be more than 8 years old. Also they can sometimes survive more than a year without a food. So if you’re suffering from silverfish problem at your home, you can’t just sit back and hope they have a short life.
5. One of oldest insects in the world

Silverfish bugs have been around this planet for a very long time. They have live on this planet for over 400 million years. Silverfish is far older compared with the dinosaurs. They were 100 million years before dinosaurs existed.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Get Rid of Silverfish Bug

Lots of people and houses are suffering from those slimy, disgusting, filthy bugs. That’s where such questions arise: How to get rid of silverfish bugs and how to do it fast? What method to choose? Will it be safe? The answers to these and other questions you’ll find in the following article.
To cope with the problem successfully one should understand what exactly you deal with. You should also know their breeding and living patterns to make your home “inhospitable” to them.

Silverfish: What is it?
"A nocturnal insect body covered with tiny silvery scales"

silverfish bug or (Latin name: Lepisma saccharina) is a small slender insect, which measures about 1 cm. His head has long thin antennae and body is covered with tiny silvery scales, hence its name.

It lives in warm, moist areas, often the kitchen, bathroom or toilet, where it is seen that night. It can also live in cracks and voids inside of a wall.

Silverfish bugs are Omnivores, they eat crumbs, dead insects, but has a clear preference for sugar and starch, paper and glue.

Life cycle and reproduction
Silverfish can live up to 5 years, and even stay a year without eating, if necessary!
The female lays tiny eggs that hatch in two to four weeks.

Silverfish: What is it harmful?

The silver fish is completely harmless: it does not itch and does not cause disease, but it is disgusting.

Silverfish bug can cause damage to books, papers, to wallpaper or tissues and clothing.

Silverfish: how to get rid?
Some simple ways to fight

As with other crawling insects, the fight against silverfish begins with some simple ways
 If possible it is also ventilated to reduce humidity and of course repair water leaks there.

Trapping Silverfish

Silverfish fond of starch. it Can be trapped with a potato placed in an open plastic bag. At night, the animals will agglomerate around the potato. It is sufficient to carry the bag outside and release them.
Repellent silverfish

Sprayed in places where the fish are silver, anti insect-based extract of neem oil (tree native to India) acts as a repellent and flushed without killing them. It is also a repellent against ants and wood lice.

Camphor is also a good way to remove these parasites. You can find small cubes of this organic compound chemist or pharmacy. Arrange them in rooms where insects are found (often the bathrooms): they disintegrate slowly in the open air.
Insecticides anti silverfish

When infestation silverfish is important, insecticide use is required. This time, the goal is to destroy these beasts, not just scare them away.

There is no special insecticide silver fish. However sprays and powders against crawling insects also kill silverfish.

Also can be used diatomaceous earth (sprinkle along baseboards, under appliances and behind furniture). It is an entirely natural powder formed of microscopic algae debris. Its abrasive properties damaged the membrane that covers the body of silver fish. The insect dehydrates and dies